Embracing a Healthy Family: quick weight loss center
Showing posts with label quick weight loss center. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quick weight loss center. Show all posts

Optimal Eating and Losing Weight

Like so many others, I struggle with weight loss and I suppose if I spent as much time blogging, I would be thin!  I've finally figured out a way that I can balance the laptop on the recumbant bike and workout at a not-so-bad pace.  Today, all in all, I biked over two hours.  I pulled that heavy thing into my office area and watched training presentations for work while I put away over an hour's worth of time and then I did another hour.  On top of that, I completed 20 minutes with my daughter and EA Sports Active.  That is such a fun workout and I'm glad Colleen introduced me to that one.

I'm on a weightloss group from another blog and I have to admit that I have not been posting like I should and I'm not losing weight like I should be.  I'm hoping today will be the turnaround point.

I was reading an article that in Europe, people eat their heavest meal between 10 am and 2 pm.  I think that's all good but moderation still plays in terms of picking the right food.  Starting tomorrow, I'm going back on what I learned from Quick Weight Loss and hopefully will achieve my results.

Youthful Tips

Losing Weight: I Lost 15 Pounds To Date!

I started a weight loss program in July by watching what I eat and using the Wii Cardio Gym and Jillian Michael's games.  I officially started the Quick Weight Loss Center's home program in August and to date, I've lost 15 pounds (as of yesterday). 

I'm keeping track of my weight loss and program in a separate journal entry (widget on the side) and in an effort to help others who might be interested, am trying to get sponsorship for a Get Fit Giveaway starting October 1 and running until January 1, 2010.

I plan to utilize my knowledge I've learned and my success in encouraging others to join me in getting a jump start on your New Year's resolution!

Interested?  Let me know! 

Youthful Tips

Sunday Cupcake Decorating

Yesterday, we made cupcakes in preparation for trying to master our decorating before Halloween for our big party!  This time, I baked the cupcakes and let her have free reign in icing and decorating.

She really loved having this opportunity to use all the sprinkles and other candy to make her own creations.  I like using picnik.com to add adornments and special frames to each picture.  picnik.com is free for basic features and is low cost if you want some of the premium features. 

One word of caution if you try to create a collage and use it via another website to order prints, be careful as the quality can come back poor if you started with not so great quality pictures.  I've used Zazzle to order prints which have always been top of the line.
Last year, we ordered the invitations from a seller on Ebay but for circumstances beyond our control, we had to cancel the party but I ordered them to occur either on a Saturday for 2008 or Sunday for 2009 just in case.  I'll scan and include an image as they are great!

Above is a sample of her creations!  She made many more and everyone, except me, is enjoying them!  I'm still on the Quick Weight Loss Center diet (for my review progress, look to the sidebar widget).

Special hello to her Granny in Australia!

Youthful Tips

Resvida (Resveratrol) Caloric Restrictive Clinical Trial

The Washington University School of Medicine is recruiting for a clinical trial studying the effect of Resvida (a natural supplement containing resveratrol) to a calorie restrictive diet. A calorie restrictive diet constitutes about 30% less of the normal dietary guideline per day. The goal is to determine how the antioxidant resveratrol compares to the effects of a restrictive diet on the gene expression profile, lipids, how well insulin is working to control blood sugar and other blood and tissue markers of metabolic and cardiovascular health.

DSM Nutritional Products, LTD markets Resvida. Even though it's marketed as a dietary supplement, it's a natural product and does not get FDA approval.

Resvida has been in development for over ten years and is of synthetic form but claims to be 'nature identical.'

This is a double blind study meaning no one knows if the subject is getting drug or placebo (other than the researchers).

Ages 35 to 70
Females only

Read here for more information on qualifying for this study.

Surprisingly, most of the other recruiting trials are for cancer indications. I am impressed that they are conducting a clinical trial to determine safety and efficacy in order to make a better claim.

This brand contains Resvida:

Anyone try it and can provide any information on the effects or adverse events?

Rush Limbaugh’s Quick Weight Loss Center Experience

My father told me about Rush Limbaugh’s reported 90 pound weight loss since March so I had to find out more about it. Quick Weight Loss Centers are only in south Florida but they do have a home program at the cost of $449 for a six week supply of various products to achieve your weight loss goal. Apparently this is the hot topic at the moment and has drummed up a lot of Google searches for this place.

On the website, they have the program and their products you need as well as sample recipes. Rush is touting the easiness of this program but does not want to get caught up being a spokesperson. I performed various checks and what I could glean from the information, you start out on an Atkin’s type diet for two to three days and then cut your caloric intake to 1500 a day which is pretty good. He watches the meat consumption and doesn’t double his meat intake and keeps it to one serving. Alcohol is off limit even though he said he most likely could have one to glasses of wine a week but opts not to. The sample recipes look good and if you are an avid dieter like me, the plan sounds interesting but not sure it does at $449 for the six week period considering you are still buying your food from the grocery store.

The testimonies are good and promising and they do sponsor contests.

Anyone try it?
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